I am especially glad to see that Bill Clinton's Treasury Secretary, Larry Summers, is available and being considered for his old job. One of Summers' successes involved bailout loans to Mexico -- which were paid back at a profit to the US. I suppose most people know how successful the Clinton economy was overall: going from Bush Sr's deficit to the biggest surplus in US history.
Anti-Clinton people are smearing Summers as insufficiently PC, and unfortunatelly some PUMAs are falling in with them; bed-fellowing with NOW, NARAL, and other former feminist groups who backed Obama over Hillary. Imo Summers' 'insensitive remarks' were just as innocent, and just as misquoted and misrepresented, as Ferraro's and Bill and Hillary's in this primary.
I have a diary up about this at http://clintondems.com/2008/11/restore-bill-clintons-secretary-of-the-treasury-larry-summers/#comments with the full text of what Summers actually said and other material from that time.
Bill appointed Summers in 1993 as Undersecretary, promoted him to Deputy, then finally to Secretary after Rubin left. Thus Bill saw Summers through three Senate confirmation hearing procedures. If Bill thought he was worth that -- then I trust Bill's judgement.
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anonymous said...
test to move
November 17, 2008 6:53 PM
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