And how is it 'promoting' a theory, to say "Please prove this wrong?"
Summers was asked to give a 'working lunch' talk at a closed meeting of academic economists. They furnished him with the papers of the meeting and asked him to summarize those papers. He did, urging the audience to get to work on counter arguments.
Summers' whole context and purpose of the occasion was to find ways to IMPROVE the ratio of women to men in those subjects.
Posted at politicalmachine Dec 3
1 comment:
Speaking of 'divisive' public figures, here's a good quote from AcerRubrum at Shakesville:
"[Hillary] was a "divisive figure" before this election. She was a "divisive figure" before she ran for any office at all. Her mere existence, as an involved, brilliant First Lady made her a "divisive figure." The completely irrational sexist hatred directed at Hillary Clinton during her husband's time as president was incredible.
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