Sunday, February 8, 2009

Kim Gandy on Summers

Leaders of several women's groups said they warned Obama advisers that a 2005 furor over remarks that some interpreted as Summers questioning women's intelligence in math and science relative to men's, would be revived if he were nominated.  [....]
Yet Kim Gandy, president of the National Organization for Women, said her group’s research actually produced material that recommended him. “One good thing about Larry Summers,” she said, “is that he has written and spoken fairly extensively on the issue of women’s wage inequality and the impact that has on the country.”

Other relevant links valid as of Feb 8, 2009.

“Remarks at NBER Conference…” by Larry Summers, dated January 14, 2005

“Responses to Lawrence Summers on Women in Science”
from Women in Science and Engineering Leadership Institute
at University of Wisconsin College of Engineering

Among the many print and Web sources linked by WISELI is a transcript of the Spelke-Pinker debate from 2005–

“The Science of Gender and Science - Pinker vs. Spelke: A Debate”

Last but not least… for direct relevance to *this* dicussion of Amy’s letter, nothing beats WISELI’s own archived PDF copy of a letter, dated January 20, 2005, by [ahem] none other than NOW–

“NOW Calls for Resignation of Harvard University’s President”
PDF contains original NOW link, still valid as of today:

duplicates of above?

“Remarks at NBER Conference…” by Larry Summers, dated January 14, 2005

I also gave you a pair of links for both HTML and PDF versions of a press statement by NOW from January 2005, which is chock full of Kim Gandy’s criticisms of Larry Summers–

“NOW Calls for Resignation of Harvard University’s President”
PDF contains original NOW link, still valid as of today

Among the 5 direct quotes of Gandy was a question that she, herself, now should be required to answer before she can accept any job in our government:

“The women of Harvard– professors, students and alums–
merit more than a belated and defensive ‘I’m sorry,’” said
Gandy. “How can they trust that Summers is committed to
equality for women when he doesn’t seem to believe that
discrimination exists?”

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